Sunday, January 11, 2015

Let's Talk About It: Anxiety

Anxiety, all my life I had some form of anxiety. It started out small; I hated answering the door if I didn’t know the person on the other end of it, I didn’t like calling to schedule my own doctor’s appointments, as well as other small stuff. All these things were normal things that people can form anxiety over and to think of it, I think everyone has a small form of anxiety. It could be that you are afraid to fail your classes or stressing out about an exam that you spent the entire night studying. However, like everything else, there are times when it becomes out of hand for some people. I am one of those people.
It started happening almost a year ago when I first started dating my current boyfriend. In the beginning, I was the happiest person in the entire world. My best friends and family notice the difference in my attitude. I was optimistic and wanted to frolic around in a field of daisies (and a part of me is still like that today). However, my attitude slowly started to change when I realized how much this man meant to me and how easily I was falling head-over-heels in love with him. It was then that my anxiety began to skyrocket. I became paranoid about everything; if I was good enough for him (since he was my first and I wasn’t his), if he felt the same way about me, and ,the biggest one that still plagues my mind, if he is using/playing me. It affected me some much that I would constantly ask him if he still wanted to be with me, why he loved me, and anything that would give me the reassurance that I needed. It never came. I made myself into a person I never wanted to be, so insecure with myself and, I admit, crazy.  Looking back on it now, I realize that I was forming unrealistic fears and everything is in my head, and I still dealing with those fears.
Today, it’s a lot more all-encompassing. I’m now terrified of talking strangers, ordering food over the phone, be in a room alone with strangers, going to class, trying new things, as well as all my fears about my relationship. I’m still terrified of losing him, of him not loving me anymore, and of him hiding things from me. But, over several months, I’ve learned to control it a bit better I have learned to hold in it as much as I can, because that’s how I cope. I go to a therapist and talk to people about how I feel when I truly need it, and most of all I’ve learned to enjoy those happy moments more. To really smile, and do things that I feel comfortable with and to make good memories with the people I love. That’s what really matters.
So, if any of you reading this are dealing with the same exact thing or something similar, I just want you to know that you are not alone. There are other people out there that are going through the same thing. Look at me, I’m a 21 year old girl who is terrified to tell her family that her real passion is writing and can’t go to school without having a panic attack so she takes classes on online. If you ever need to talk or vent I want you to know that I’m here for you.. You can contact me on Tumblr or Instagram if need be. We can get through this, together.

I love you all


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